Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Blessed New 2008 Ahead

It is almost into third day of year 2008. This year New Year celebration has been mediocre, at least for me. We didn’t celebrate nor going out to the town to watch fireworks. Instead we slept early and “listen” to the fireworks being blasted into the sky; on bed! (no naughty thought pls!). Anyway, Emelee slept well before 8pm and there is no inclination from us to venture out. Brought her to the pool to swim next day and she really likes it a lot. She will paddle her arm and kick with her little small legs, seems like some who has learned how to swim though this is the only second times we brought her to the pool.

Year 2007 was a challenging year for both Alicia and me. We really thank God for sustaining us through especially during the difficulty pregnancy period Alicia has been through. What a joyous moment we had last year with the arrival of our little one. Emelee really changed our routine completely with almost every single thing we do; we took into consideration of her. Our hope and prayer were God continues to bless her with good health and grow healthily both physical and spiritually. Also pray for God's wisdom and strength in raising this child He has blessed us with.

On the financial part, God again really provides our needs. With limited resources and some constraints; we managed to pull through some of the challenges.

Last year also saw the moving-in to newly built house in Seremban by my parents and manage to celebrate house warming cum Emelee’s full moon together. This house is my mom’s dream to have her choice of house built at this serene location. My brother and uncle have been instrumental in realizing her dream. Of course most credit to our Lord who provides (my mom did prayed for this to happen).

The joyous moment also witness on 30 October where my eldest sister from Taiwan accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Hallelujah!!! Praise to God as He promises; when one save the whole household will be saved. We will continue to press on to pray for the rest of our family members to come to know and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

We also had a chance to visit China (Shanghai, Hainan Island, Hangzhou). We really deserved to have long holiday break. We were exhausted with all the walking and shopping trips; check out some of our photo at the “My Picture Gallery”.

We end the year with my participation in our church Christmas musical show. I was acting as innkeeper in those days where I turned away Joseph and Mary as there were no more rooms available for them. What an awesome scene when God’s hand moves. We had full capacity crowd of more than 5000 people. We pray that people’s heart were touched by God through this musical show. Well done to all who put countless hours and days for practices.