Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Juggling Act

Picture above showing Emelee mimic her mom breast feed Weslee! Really cute ~sigh~. These days, it is not easy ask her to obey our instructions. Sometimes she really drives me up to the wall by her disobedience and causes me to spank her. I really need to control my anger and learn to love her more instead. She even know how to climb over her baby cot every morning. But good thing now she don't have to wear diapers at home during the day abeit we need to remind her to go to the toilet.
Weslee is strong strong enough now to do a mini push-up when he's lying on his tummy and able to lift his head and shoulders clear of the floor and look around as he does so. He really likes to smile when you look at him! Alicia still fully breast fed him and really put a strain on her. I know she must be really tired to look after these two kids.

Both of them were not well last week and just recovered. Emelee vomited few times and Weslee has slight fever after 2nd scheduled immunization injection applied. Thank God both of them recovered very fast.