Emelee got food poisoning since yesterday. She has been vomiting since yesterday morning whatever she drank or ate. But she crave for banana which I promptly bought for her yesterday evening after work. But that also she vomited after eating one piece of it. This morning, I thought her digestive system went back to normal as she drank quite lots of water and she must be really hungry since her stomach was quite empty. That also she throws out. Then next gave her some milk, that also throws out. There goes lots of cleaning up to do this morning. Can't see her suffer this much already and sent her to a pediatrician to for consultation. She was suspected to have food poisioning and could be the half-boil egg she has taken since Thurday morning. She was prescribed with "anti-vomit" drops and it seems to be working. She didn't vomit since she has taken his medicine in the afternoon until now. But I can see her body is weak and do not have a good appetite. She just took 2 bottle of Vitagen, 1 slice of bread and 4 oz of milk with some water in between since afternoon. I pray God will continue to minister to her and heal her completely. Amen!
Food poisoning
Both were sick - mild one
Sent Weslee for vaccination today (3rd jabs) at government clinic. As usual, there was big crowd but surprisingly quite fast though. Now Emelee and Weslee both developed mild fever. Aik! pray they will get well soon.
This is what I have not written about Weslee. Since birth until today, he still occasionally vomited after feeding with some mucus and milk. This is what written in babycentre.co.uk.
"Reflux is the word used to describe what happens when the stomach contents come back up into the gullet or even into the mouth.
The medical name for gullet is oesophagus (spelt esophagus in the US). So the long name for reflux is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, shortened to GORD in the UK and GER in the States.
The diaphragm is the muscle which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. As the oesophagus passes through the diaphragm, the diaphragm acts like a valve - stopping stomach contents from going backwards up the oesophagus. Doctors refer to this valve mechanism as a sphincter.
But sometimes the valve action isn't as strong as it could be - when you are pregnant, for example. In fact, one of the reasons you get heartburn in pregnancy is due to your baby pushing up onto the sphincter - it forces acid back up the oesophagus.
This also happens to babies, but in their case it is because the sphincter action of the diaphragm isn't fully developed. During the first year of a baby's life, the sphincter action gradually gets stronger and their chance of having reflux decreases. Around 50 per cent of babies will get some reflux but in only a small percentage of these is it a real problem. At the age of 10 months the number is down to about one in twenty babies"
Initially most people said it will go away by itself after few months. Weslee was regularly immunized monthly at government clinic and nurses there was not helpful in explaining this situation. But on 2 May since we were in Seremban and heard there is an experienced pediatrician – Dr Liew (Liew Children Clinic), we seek consultation from the clinic. The doctor said high possibility it was 'reflux' and we can't help much since he was breast fed (can't change baby formula to try). He prescribed some medication to minimize the symptom. As of today, Wesless still occasionally vomit after feeding though it lessen. We also prescribed him with Chinese medicine Bo Ying compound from Eu Yan Sang. There rest we just need to pray that he will recover soonest.
2 years 3 months & 4 months!
Emelee is already 2 years plus and Weslee 4 months old. Sometimes it hard to keep track on their exact age. Unlike previously, we only have Emelee and she was our first child, we keeps counting nad notice it every month.
According to Alicia, nowadays, Weslee was trying to get her sister attention when she was sitting beside him. Weslee really gained quite a lot. Look at the photo, Weslee's head is almost if not bigger that Emelee. haha!
Tribute to Mothers
Week before Mothers day, brought my parents to Fish & Co for lunch at Jusco Seremban 2. We have over-order the food and have to take-away some. About my mother? Nothing much to say leh! Except I knew she has sacrifice a lot for us five siblings and very much concern about our wellbeing. Mom has really aged and I pray she will continue to be healthy and God protection covering her daily going in and out.
Then on Mothers day, brought Alicia & Emelee, together with my sis-in-law Natalie and her son Ashley for dinner at Daidomon Japanese BBQ restaurant at Great Eastern Mall. Mother's day offer at RM49.90++ (adult) RM29.90 (child). Emelee dined free. Worth it if you are a real meat eater. You have to request for BBQ meat. Food, BBQ meat is alright but disappointed with the buffet dishes. There is no oyster as advertised.
We also went for a vegetarian dinner at MG Cafe, Sri Hartamas with Emelee former babysitter and her daughters on Sunday. Food is really good with a touch of fusion.
With Emelee and Weslee into this family, now I truly realized it is not easy to be a mother. Lots of sacrifice has to be made to bring up the children. Besides that, we need to have patience to nurture the child's character. Talking about patience, I am really lack of it and needs God's grace the more. Else, you will see me spanking Emelee very often! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all mothers.
Sturdy and gentle
Emelee got so much energy! From the moment she wakes up, she will keep herself busy all the time. As the title suggest, she is really energetic. Now she climb out from her baby cot. Gone are the days that we still can contain her in her bed even though she already woke up. She will climb out of bed, turn off the fan and tried to open the door. Barney is her favourite movie now and she keeps insist we play Barney movies. This is the only movie that she can sit still longer. At restaurant, we always have to find ways to divert her attention. Gone are the days Alicia and I can enjoy the food undistracted.
She kinda love and care for his brother. She sometimes shared interesting moments with her brother. We also need to be cautious as she may get over excited - slamming his brother! Initially Weslee was shocked while asleep; but he get used to it now! Its interesting to see what happen when they grows up.
3 months 3 weeks
Looking at Weslee really brighten up our day. His ever generous smiles really made us feel hilarious. He's really easy to crack his smiles most of the time. Of course there are time he cried when he feels hungry and uncomfortable. His voice it getting louder and even start to shout!. He enjoys being in sitting position and manage to lift his head when lying on bed. This is going to be another strong baby. Me and Alicia was saying we may going to have a hard time later to catch him - like her sister now. He likes her sister and smiles when Emelee doing funny reaction at him. Last Saturday, we went to seek pediatrician advice on his blocked nose at night and vomiting problem after feeding when we were in Seremban. The doctor initial diagnosis was reflux and some medication was prescibed. Something to do with passage to the stomach which is weak. Found a link on this here: http://www.reflux.org.au/gastro.php. Alicia still continue breastfeeding him and the interval is about 3-4 hours now. He can sleep longer at night at last feeding 11/12/1am (less sleepless night!) and woke up at 5 or 6am. Sometimes I am confused with the feeding interval and have to ask my agitated wife!